Huanmi Tan

谭欢秘, pronounced as /'hwɑnmi tæn/


3333 Forbes Ave.

Pittsburgh, PA 15213


About Me

I am a Master student at SCS of Carnegie Mellon Univerisity, majoring in Software Engineering - Scalable System. Before that, I obtained my Bachelor degree in Software Engineering from Tongji University. During my Bachelor degree, I interned at Shanghai AI Lab and ByteDance AI Lab.

Research Interests

My background in software engineering has honed my solid engineering skills. Based on this foundation, my primary experiences and interests include but are not limited to:

  • ML Systems
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps)

You could also refer to the projects page for details. Additionally, I am now keen to explore in the fields of LLMs and AI4Sci.

I am currently looking for research opportunities for Summer 2024! Please feel free to contact me if you are interested.

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